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25++ Citation Bienveillance Dalai Lama

Retrouvez toutes les citations de dalaï lama parmi des citations issues de discours de dalaï lama d articles d extraits de livres et ouvrages de dalaï lama. Compassion and the individual.

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Bonjour rien à dire sur ces 20 leçons elles sont effectivement toutes empreintent de sagesse néanmoins quelqu un pourrait me dire pourquoi le daila lama fête son 80 iéme anniversaire et s afficher avec g w bush l un des plus grand criminel de guerre. I believe compassion to be one of the few things we can practice that will bring immediate and long term happiness to our lives. The fourteenth dalai lama.

I m not talking about the short term gratification of pleasures like sex drugs or gambling though i m not knocking them but something that will bring true and lasting happiness. 160 il n y a personne qui soit né sous une mauvaise étoile il n y a que des gens qui ne savent pas lire le ciel. Well the dalai cannot be removed from lama without losing meaning so the author s name should be spelled out in full as dalai lama also dalai lama is a title so spelling it out in full makes that especially clear.

The official website of the office of his holiness the 14th dalai lama. The result being that he does not live in the present or the future. The official website of the office of his holiness the 14th dalai lama.

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